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Skills & Experience

Skills & Experience

Not to brag, but I think I'm pretty good at All of it.

Competitive Programming

Advanced beginner with C, C++, Java, Python

Web Development

Expertise on HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP, Bootstrap, Tailwind CSS


Experienced with Adobe Products, GIMP, Kdenlive, FilmoraX, DaVinci Resolve, Blender

Office Software

Experienced with Microsoft Office, Google Docs, Spreadsheet, Slides, OpenOffice

Event Marketing

Experienced with Wedding & Corporate Event

Game Engine

Experienced with Unity, Unreal Engine


Experienced with SketchUp Pro, Autocad, 3ds Max

Ethical Hacking

Experienced with Penetration Testing, Network Security, Bug Bounty Hunting, Vulnerability Assessment, Social Engineering

UI/UX Designer

Experienced with Adobe XD, Marvel, Figma & Sketch

Operating System

Experienced with Windows, Linux distro. {BlackArch | Kali | Parrot | Ubuntu} & Mac


Experienced with C, C++, C#, Python, JavaScript, Java, Bash, MarkDown, HTML, CSS


Experienced over Social Media Algorithm, SEO, Google Products

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Omar Faruk Shihab
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