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Q. Is Shihab Skytar called Omar Faruk Shihab?

Ans: Yes!

Q. Do you sell domain/hosting?

Ans: No, but the affiliate link may be available anywhere in this site.

Q. Did you ever attended any course?

Ans: Never! I'm improving my knowledge through Books, research on every topic to enhance my tech knowledge 💫🥂

Q.  Do you have any course where I can admit or learn?

Ans: Not Available now! 🙂  Here most of the articles are free and easy to learn for beginners.

Q. What is the meaning of Shihab Skytar?


Name Meaning Gender Origin Lucky # Religion Short Name
OMAR Long-lived, elevated, follower Of The Prophet Boy Arabic 4 Islam Yes
FARUK “Person who can tell right from wrong, One who distinguishes truth from falsehood” Boy Arabic 4 Islam Yes
SHIHAB Shooting Star, Flame, Blaze Boy Arabic 3 Islam Yes
SKYTAR Revolver Boy Greek 5 Metaphorical Yes


S - Silence, K - Kudos, Y - Yell, T - Terrify, A - Attaboy, R - Rare 🐾

Q. Which operating system do you use?

Ans:  Windows -10 (For browsing/Visual Code & others),
Kali Linux (For penetration testing and Bug Bounty)

Q. How long time you spend on social media?

Ans: Not more than 1-2 hours a day.

Note: if this doesn't answer your question, kindly send your question to the business e-mail.

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