Omar Faruk Shihab AKA SHIHABSKYTAR is a Bangladeshi entrepreneur, digital marketer, and cyber security specialist. He is the founder and executive chairman of Student Hours; an early-stage investor and co-founder of The Wedding Times; founder of SHIHABSKYTAR.
Leisure: Playing PUBG, FreeFire & Clash of Clans, Enjoying Music through earphones or Social Media Scrolling. (✖)
Source of Inspiration: My fans and the people around me.
Achievements: Appreciation and love.
Memorable Moments: The excitement of getting a smartphone for the first time ever! Which my mother gift when I entered a teenager and a Computer gifted by my father.
The Secret of Success: Hard work and intelligence.
Hatred: Hypocrite & Liar
Fear: Backbiters.
Sensitive About: My Creation.
Sentimental About: Being hurt by near and dear ones.
Biggest Assets: My creativity, frankness, simplicity, sense of humour, and conduct.
Superstitious about: If I get any hindrances when I am about to start to work.
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