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Unleash Your Digital Twin: Create an AI Character with Your Face

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Are you tired of writing prompts? Here' the custom prompt as per your needs.

Sitting over Facebook Profile

Create a 3D illustration of an animated character of a Handsom boy sitting casually on top of a social media logo "Facebook". The character must wear modern Indian clothes. The background of the character is mockup of his Facebook profile page with a profile name "Student Hours" and a profile picture same as character. With Follower count "1.2M Followers" text bottom of the Page name as like Facebook

Writing Code + Snapchat

Create a 3D illustration featuring a realistic 18 year-old boy busy to writing a coding on a chair in front of 3D logo of Snapchat. The character should have green and white pant coat tie,  With sneakers shoes, with glasses, The background of the image should showcase a social media profile page and the username "Skytar Labs" and a matching profile and modify it.

Sitting over the Instagram Logo

Create a 3D illustration of an animated character sitting casually on top of social media logo " Instagram". The character must wear causal modern clothing such as Jeans jacket sneakers shoes. The background of the image is a social media profile page with username "SKYTAR" and a profile picture that matches animated character.

Happy Republic Day 2024

Realistic A 25 years old cute boy wearing Bangladeshi shirt with name "Skytar Labs" holding the national flag of "Bangladesh". "Happy Republic Day 2024" will be written on the poster above the road side. with balloons, chandeleir. picture high quality detail photo.

White Supra Car Boy

Generated using Remaker Face Swap Tool

Bangladeshi biggest park background, and 20 year old wearing sky blue and white Casual shirt, luxury one hand watch, luxury glasses, medium beautiful hair, sitting on realistic white Supra MK6 of side, with name "Skytar Labs" Write on Number plate, 3d art painting realistic photo.

Audi Car Boy

Bangladeshi biggest park background, and 20-year-old wearing sky blue and white Casual shirt, luxury one hand watch, luxury glasses, medium beautiful hair, sitting on realistic white Audi e Tron GT car of side, with name "Skytar Labs" Write on Number plate, 3d art painting realistic photo.

White Supra Car Girl

Bangladeshi biggest park background, and 20 years old girl wearing Yellow Casual shirt, lxuary one handwatch, luxury glasses, beatiful hair, sitting on white supra mk6 of Side, with name 'Skytar Labs' write on Number plate, 3d art painting realistic photo

Audi Car Girl

Bangladeshi biggest park background, and 20 years old girl wearing Yellow Casual shirt, lxuary one handwatch, luxury glasses, beatiful hair, sitting on white Audi e tron GT car of Side, with name 'Skytar Labs' write on Number plate, 3d art painting realistic photo

Tools You need to start with:

Remaker Ai Face Swap
Bing Image Creator from Designer

Remaker tools help you to swap your face between an AI-generated image and the image you submitted on the site.

Please change your Name and Country name according to your own requirements. Any customization to these Prompts should work fine.


تعليقان (2)

Write your comment below.

Enter the URL of the Image or Code Snippet, or Quote, then click the copy button you want to post. Copy the parsed result and paste it into the comments field.

A perfect massage - feel fantastic. Spamming is strongly prohibited!

  1. That's amazing! Need more command like that 😍
  2. https://i.ibb.co/9wyXGWC/FB-IMG-1716069402674.jpg hi
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